Please refer to K3S installation here for installation requirements.
All the commands in this runbook were tested against a VM with Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS, amd64 as root
Install K3s and wait for the pods to become ready:
Copy curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION="v1.26.10+k3s1" K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644" sh -s - server --node-name=local-01
kubectl get deploy -n kube-system --output name | xargs -n1 -t kubectl rollout status -n kube-system
Copy wget --quiet -O /tmp/ \
&& chmod 0755 /tmp/ \
&& /tmp/ -v v3.8.2
Configure GetVisibility private Docker image registry (replace $USERNAME
with the Docker credentials provided):
Copy kubectl create secret docker-registry gv-docker-registry \
--docker-server= \
--docker-username=$USERNAME \
--docker-password=$PASSWORD \
Configure GetVisibility private Helm repository (replace $USERNAME
with the Helm credentials provided):
Copy helm repo add gv_stable --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD
helm repo update
Copy helm upgrade --install gv-essentials gv_stable/gv-essentials --wait \
--timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set eck-operator.enabled=true --set eck-operator.settings.cpu=1 \
--set eck-operator.settings.memory=1 --set \
--set updateclusterid.enabled=false --set keycloak.url= IPADDRESS/DNS/FQDN
kubectl get deploy --output name | xargs -n1 -t kubectl rollout status
For Focus and Enterprice (48+ GB RAM machines), please replace keycloak.url= IPADDRESS/DNS/FQDN
with IP Adress or FQDN or DNS name for Keycloak in formats like below or https://gv.domain.local or
Copy helm upgrade --install gv-essentials gv_stable/gv-essentials --wait \
--timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set eck-operator.enabled=true --set eck-operator.settings.cpu=8 \
--set eck-operator.settings.memory=20 --set \
--set updateclusterid.enabled=false --set keycloak.url= IPADDRESS/DNS/FQDN
kubectl get deploy --output name | xargs -n1 -t kubectl rollout status
Depending on the theme you want to use, run one of the commands below to install the chart GV Platform (don’t forget to replace $PRODUCT
with either synergy or focus or enterprise ):
a. GetVisibility theme:
Copy helm upgrade --install gv-platform gv_stable/gv-platform --wait \
--timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set-string clusterLabels.environment=prod \
--set-string clusterLabels.cluster_reseller=getvisibility \
--set-string clusterLabels.cluster_name=mycluster \
--set-string clusterLabels.product=$PRODUCT
b. Forcepoint theme:
Copy helm upgrade --install gv-platform gv_stable/gv-platform --wait \
--timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set-string clusterLabels.environment=prod \
--set-string clusterLabels.cluster_reseller=forcepoint \
--set-string clusterLabels.cluster_name=mycluster \
--set-string clusterLabels.product=$PRODUCT
GV Essentials
In order to upgrade the essential services (e.g. Postgres, Kafka, MongoDB, Consul) run helm repo update
and then the same command you used in step 5 .
In order to upgrade Synergy/Focus/Enterprise run helm repo update
and then the same command you used in step 6 .
You can optionally also install monitoring tools to collect metrics and logs of all services that are running inside the cluster:
Copy $ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring-crd gv_stable/rancher-monitoring-crd --wait \
--kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \
--version=100.1.2+up19.0.5 \
Install the monitoring tools:
Copy $ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring gv_stable/rancher-monitoring --wait \
--kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \
--version=100.1.2+up19.0.5 \
--set k3sServer.enabled=true \
--set k3sControllerManager.enabled=true \
--set k3sScheduler.enabled=true \
--set k3sProxy.enabled=true
To access the Grafana dashboard run the command:
Copy kubectl port-forward svc/rancher-monitoring-grafana -n cattle-monitoring-system 3001:80 --address='' and in your browser type the address http://$SERVER_IP:3001
To access Prometheus dashboard run the command:
Copy kubectl port-forward svc/rancher-monitoring-prometheus -n cattle-monitoring-system 3001:9090 --address='' and in your browser type the address http://$SERVER_IP:3001
Last updated 8 months ago